I am a highly experienced Autistic Spectrum Disorder Consultant, Teacher and Trainer with over fifteen years of experience. I specialise in supporting children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in mainstream education environments.
Our mission is to provide the foundational skills for your child to succeed as they are in the world as it stands today. We wish to empower them with fundamental life skills to facilitate their growth as human beings while remaining true to their authentic selves.
Therapy and Assessment

We aim to make the process as simple as possible whilst providing you with the highest level of support and understanding every step of the way. We provide fixed and bespoke support plans which complement a range of empirical evidence-based therapy programs. We conduct professional assessment at every stage of the process.
Advocacy and Education

Our education services range from advising schools on best practices for children with ASD to training teachers and providing educational resources. In addition, we provide ongoing support in dealing with challenging behaviours and designing and implementing safety plans in the classroom environment. Our professional training is customised to meet the unique needs of the individual school, its teachers and students.
What Our Clients Say

“Thank you for all the learnings and support, Saturday was fantastic! The exploring, team learning, some paper based for kids, and parents. My child came out thoroughly engaged and itching to share. The small refinements in delivery this term are great & impactful. Walking in, it feels like coming home, to people who understand, accept & get our us.”
“I want you and your staff to know how appreciative we are of your care of our son in Lego group. Lego group is the one thing he looks forward to every week, and the one thing he’s happy to leave home for! We feel it is imperative to continue this for his growth, so will be stressing this in his upcoming NDIS review.”
“We wanted to share our experience of the secret agent society skills being put in to action. We didn’t know if our son (10yr) was taking in the skills during the sessions as he refused to discuss any of the sessions with us or do any ‘homework’ each week between sessions. We noticed that as the weeks went on he was coming home from school less anxious…then the last day of term he turned up at home with 2 classmates that he decided to invite over. We were in complete shock. He had never brought a friend home, never wanted to invite a friend over and has never been invited to any play dates by his class mates in his 6 years of schooling.
During the holidays he has used his skills further to organise for us to collect a couple friends and take them all swimming. It’s been so nice to see him out of his room and happy engaging with people. Thank you.”
“The work that Sarah has done with teaching and education support staff is outstanding. She builds the understanding and capacity of staff, explains the research behind her recommendations and empowers them to implement strategies and supports.
Her flexible and tailor made approaches to PD ensure that the school and student needs are met- hers is not a one size fits all approach- and her follow up practices mean she is available for clarification and feedback.”
“Sarah from Autism Consultancy Services led the Social Skills group that my son was part of at Footscray City Primary School last year. My little boy absolutely loved being a part of your program at school.”
“I learn more from you than I do from the school psychologist, you get me and how I work!”
“Our staff found that the sessions were very helpful and noticed quite a difference with the student after he had participated in the sessions. The student also still talks fondly of the friendship group sessions.”